Wildcat Families —
We are ready to begin planning for our new Kindergarten students who will start school this fall. Kindergarten Registration for the 2022-23 School Year will be on March 23 and March 30. Registration can be started now and consists of multiple steps.
- Online registration — https://washk12.org/student-services/registration
- Be sure to select “NEW STUDENT | 2022-23 YEAR”
- Go to Crimson View Office March 23 or 30 (Office Hours: 9:30 to 11:30 and 1:00 to 3:00) to submit all paperwork. (MUST SUBMIT: Birth Certificate, Immunization Record, & Proof of Residency — registration IS NOT complete until all paperwork is submitted)
- Classroom placements will be shared in August following Kindergarten testing.
If you have any questions please contact our school office at 435-634-7000.
Please share this information with neighbors, new move ins or friends who may have an incoming kindergarten student.
Thank you!