Library – Email Opt Out
January 2023
Wildcat Families,
Recently WCSD made some changes which immediately began to notify parents (via email) of the books their children are checking out of the school library system during their class library time. This aligns with the updated WCSD policy 4211, which is detailed below. The email is sent directly from our library circulation system (KOHA) but will appear in your email inbox as sent from Angela McArthur, our school librarian. If you would like to opt-out of these emails, please see point 3 below. Because this is a recent change, and because of the possible increase in weekly emails, we felt it was important to notify you of these updates to our WCSD Policy.
Thank you,
Adam Baker (Principal) & Angela McArthur (CVES Librarian)
WCSD Policy 4211 – 4.3.3 included a provision that states: “Parents shall be notified of every student material checkout”. The following outlines how WCSD is complying with this section of the policy:
- To comply with policy and to show a good faith effort to ensure parents/guardians are informed partners in the education of their child, the notification system has been enabled in our school’s KOHA system
- To ensure parents/guardians can determine what aspects of their child(ren)’s education they want to be informed about, they can:
- Opt out of email notifications for student material checkouts in the physical library.
- Opt their child(ren) out of material checkout within the District digital library per 4211 – 4.3.4.
Email Opt Out Instructions: if you would like to opt out of these email notifications that are generated each time your child check’s out material from our school library please send your request to – gro.21khsaw@ruhtracm.alegna