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March 2023 Update

Wildcat Families —

Welcome to March! I wanted to briefly share about an exceptional experience we had at our school back on Friday, February 17. This was a teacher preparation day, without students at our school. We had a visitor, Steve Spangler, come and share with our teachers his love of STEM. He was so much fun to have in our school. His presentation was so engaging and it really reinvigorated our entire teaching staff. We are all so excited to share what we learned with our students! You can check out more at the following website:

We have an important parent education night coming up on Wednesday, March 29 at 6:30pm. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. The topic covered will be Child Abuse Prevention. I believe it will be well worth your time to attend and learn all you can about this important topic!

Kindergarten registration is going on now. Our school website ( has all the information. Getting an accurate count of students coming to school in August helps us so much. Please help us by sharing this with your friends and neighbors who may have a student eligible to register to begin school this fall.

Thank you for your attendance at our recent SEP Conferences. It is so great to have parents in our school! I know that the very best situation is all of us working together towards the same goals. Thank you for making that a priority!

Lots of exciting events are coming up, please make sure you check the calendar and upcoming events!


Adam Baker (Principal)

Looking Ahead: (

  • March 7~9 – Battle of the Books!
  • March 8 – Kindergarten Registration
  • March 13~17 – Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • March 20 – Teacher Prep (NO SCHOOL)
  • March 28 – Science & Engineering Fair (
  • March 29 – Parent Education Night (6:30pm)
  • April 1 – Dixie Power Kite Festival
faculty picture posing with steve spangler in entry of school