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School Community Council

Our School Community Council is primarily responsible for the creation of our School LAND Trust Plan. This plan is created annually by analyzing our school testing data to determine the greatest academic need. The money our school receives from the School LAND Trust fund is allocated according to our plan. Plans are written to help meet the needs of each student. Crimson View Elementary has received over $657,000 total in Trust Land funds since the funds have been dispersed to Utah schools beginning in 2001 (Crimson View opened in 2013). These funds have been allocated and used at our school to help meet our greatest academic need. Over the years our school has purchased technology to support student learning, books for our leveled library, math manipulatives, and science materials, and we’ve been able to hire additional personnel to support targeted learning in small groups. Our school is grateful for the School LAND Trust program and the opportunity we have as a school to allocate the funds to support our targeted and specific needs. The Council assists with school improvement and makes decisions on how to best spend the Trust LANDS funding. More information regarding the work of the Council can be found by visiting the School LAND Trust Website:

2024-2025 Schedule:

  • September 19th @ 3:45 pm
  • January 16th @ 3:45 pm
  • February 20th @ 3:45 pm

Yes! I would like to serve on the School Community Council.

Current Plan & Reports