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BOOK FAIR! Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Come One Come All – PTA Scholastic Book Fair Happening ALL this week (April 19 thru April 23)!!

We’re excited to be having our first in-person book fair of the year – and it’s the buy one get one free event! Come stock up on great reads for the summer or just stop by to add to your home library.

Open each day after school and during our upcoming STEM night. 


Parent Input, Kite Festival, and more …

Parent Input, Kite Festival and More …

Wildcat Families —

Here at Crimson View things are getting busy! Not only is there much going on — but we’ve also got a lot of things coming up. Hopefully I’ll share the critical information and answer any questions you may have with this blog post, but please ask if you have questions or need some additional clarification!

  1. Parent Input for 2021-22 School Year Class Placement – I will be accepting parent input for class placements thru April 23. As a school we always give careful consideration to the creation of class lists.  As a partner in your child’s education we appreciate your insight as to what will help your child the very most. The parent input form can be found on our school website and will be available thru April 23. (
  2. Dixie Power Kite Festival – the annual Dixie Power Kite Festival is THIS Saturday, April 17 @ DSU Encampment Mall from 10am to 7pm. Our school gets an extra boost of $$ for literacy materials based on the number of reading calendars turned in at the Kite Festival. Please make time this weekend to drop by DSU campus and your child will receive a kite or a book for turning in their reading calendar and you can have a blast as a family with all the fun activities!
  3. End of Year Testing – As the year winds down our students will participate in the annual RISE summative assessments in grades 3-5. In addition, all our students will participate in the End of Year Acadience Benchmark assessment. Our teachers and staff have worked extremely hard to prepare our students to be successful and I view these assessments as an opportunity for our students to celebrate their learning and to document their academic growth over time. Here are a few pointers to help your child do their very best! Pay attention to the testing schedule shared by your child’s teacher. Help your child get a good nights rest and have them eat a healthy breakfast the morning of each test. Encourage them to try their very best while taking the test. And most important, take them out for ice cream to celebrate when they are finished!
  4. Science and Engineering Fair – April 22 CLICK HERE for more information
  5. Family STEM Night – I’m excited to invite families to our annual STEM night – Pizza, Bookfair, and of course our teachers will be sharing awesome and amazing STEM activities for your whole family to enjoy! It’s going to be GREAT!! April 22 from 5~6:30pm @ Crimson View Elementary
  6. PTA Volunteer Opportunities – Our PTA has a couple opportunities to volunteer in conjunction with our school activities! Links below to sign up!
    • CLICK HERE – Scholastic Bookfair: Our first, and only, in-person Bookfair of the year will be April 19~23 at our school. We need parents to help man the checkout all week long!
    • CLICK HERE – STEM Night: PTA will be handing out free pizza and cookies for “Family Stem Night!” Please sign up to help hand out pizza tickets, pizza, and cookies!

Whew … I think that is it for now!? Stay current with all things Crimson View by visiting our WEBSITE or our SCHOOL CALENDAR!

Keep smiling – and don’t forget to have your child read for 20 minutes each night!

Adam Baker (Principal)  |  gro.21khsaw@rekab.mada